one–one thousand, two–one thousand

I love Saturday mornings.
I love being awake by myself.
eating breakfast & drinking coffee
preparing for my long run.

and then it thunders, and starts pouring.


I checked the radar and there was a band of rain but it was in my area, not where I run, so I thought I would be safe. I didn’t think much else about the storm, and continued on with my morning.

Love Saturday morning photo shoots in the bathroom

I can’t help but to have a stupid look on my face that early in the morning.. you should see some of the other ones… or maybe you shouldn’t.


I saw lightening the whole drive from my house to the park where we run. It was pouring about 10 miles from the park. Facebook reports said there was thunder.

but I trucked onward.

You’d be surprised how many people will show up to run even when it’s about to storm. Some called it quits before we left because the storm was moving our way.

some went running…some got wet

I knew I wasn’t going to make it the full 12, so I ran 3 out with Rachel, then we turned around and came back for a whopping 6 miles. It started to really rain just as we were coming into the parking lot, but the thunder and lightening were way to close for comfort.


Despite being cut short, it was really good run. Running can be so therapeutic. Not necessarily the act of running. For me, running is a time to talk – depending on who I’m running with, of course. I won’t tell just anyone my business (don’t you feel special Rachel?)

I guess it relaxes me. I mean, what else are you going to do for 50 minutes while you run? You might as well talk, right?

Poor Rachel. She let me ramble on about things that are going on in my life. Sometimes you just need to talk. You don’t necessarily need someone to talk back; just someone to listen. Sometimes it’s easier to sort out your feelings when you say them out loud.

So Thanks Rachel for letting me spill on you today. It was needed. … and Thanks to Jenny & Shannon who’ve been fantastic friends and let me cry to them when things get tough.
(and before you start assuming things, my marriage is fine. Thanks for asking.)


well this post just turned a little mushy, huh?


Tomorrow morning I’ll wake up early again and attempt to get in 10 miles. Let’s cross our fingers that the weather is better than today!

4 thoughts on “one–one thousand, two–one thousand

  1. That sucks that your run got cut short…but quite honestly, I’m jealous of your rainy run. It has been so incredibly long since we have gotten any rain. I can’t remember the last month it rained in. {ok, so I think it was July, but I can’t tell you if it was early or late July!} At the right time, with the right people running in the rain is so much fun. Just like running in the snow…you should try that sometime! 😉

    • I love running in the rain, but that lightening & thunder was WAY to close for comfort! Ugh, I hate that you guys aren’t getting any rain & we get rain practically every single day!

      Uhm, running in the snow…. I’d be hard pressed to find some place in Florida to run in the snow 😉 I would love to plan a trip to somewhere with snow & do a race – I do love a good vacation runcation!

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